How This Started and My Hope For This Experiment

My Husband and I are both big fans of Jamie Oliver. For Christmas I bought him Jamie's cookbook "Jamie's 30 Minute Meals: A Revolutionary Approach to Cooking Good Food Fast". As I read the preface of his cookbook I was inspired by his ideas. He felt that he was spending too much time cooking during the busy week and doing too much clean up. So he decided that for the week night meals there needed to be something quick and still healthy and yummy. He and his team did a lot of work and made the "30 Minute Meals". He has explicit directions for step by step getting the meal done in 30 min. He tells you what to do first, second, and third so that you have all dishes going at the same time, instead of making it dish by dish. Since we aren't doing once a month cooking right now I was captured by this idea and dying to start trying. I have been spending way too much time in the kitchen during the week and can't wait to be able to prepare good meals fast. My husband was all for it since he loves to eat great food and has a very particular palette. He will be making some of the meals on weekends when he isn't working because, this is after all, his cookbook :)

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Fruit Salad inspired by Jamie's "Fruit and Mint Sugar"

This fruit salad has become a favorite with my family. We love fresh fruit salads and this one is really yummy.  I didn't have all the things used in Jamie's "Fruit and Mint Sugar" so I came up with this version of fruit salad inspired by his use of mint and lime with pineapple. I cut up one fresh pineapple, 3 bananas, 2 apples and 5 clementines. I squeezed lime juice on the top, a small handful of walnut pieces and some fresh mint chopped.

Then...remember the coating for the coated ice cream in his book?? (if you don't remember it has gingernut biscuits, dark chocolate and toasted hazelnuts ground up together in the food processor). Well I had some of that frozen so I sprinkled it over the top and it was fantastic. For a treat add a little whipped cream to the top and for a healthier treat add a little yoghurt.

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